I have prepared a video for you today all about a very under-utlitsed but highly effective nutrient, carnitine. From fibromyalgia, to cognitive issues, to heart issues and depression, carnitine can be amazing. It is all about energy production and specifically from fat burning, Enjoy, https://vimeo.com/637806143/26c4bbe2a1 ACTIONS TO TAKE: – Trial 2g Acetyl-L-Carnitine with 50mg B2 for yourself, […]
Read moreWhen it comes to bending the truth for increasing sales, there is no one better than the pharmaceutical industry. They are absolute masters. They love to increase the risk of an issue/disease or increase the benefits of a drug/intervention by taking an absolute risk reduction and turning it into a relative risk reduction. For example, […]
Read moreTake a moment to think of all the famous couples of the past and present, the ones that were simply meant to be together…. Posh and Becks Kermit and Miss Piggy Bert and Ernie Well, let’s add another two: Magnesium and vitamin B6 You see, there are two things that are just so amazing in […]
Read moreAt some point in your career, if you suggest patients should take any nutritional supplements, eventually you will hear something like this: “I get all my nutrition from food” “I don’t take supplements because I eat a balanced diet.” “Supplements are not absorbed.” “Supplements give you expensive urine.” The variations are endless, but the theme […]
Read moreLast week we talked about blood sugar and how we can use a classic old school remedy, apple cider vinegar, to blunt our sugar responses. This week, I will use one of our critical Core commandments that I refer back to again and again (and again) in the course. Trying to make sense of symptoms, […]
Read moreAs we gently move towards autumn and our shadows start to get longer, I am once again using my Sperti UVB vitamin D lamp and feeling good for it. Last year, I went the whole winter and autumn with no vitamin D supplements except for doses here and there. This year will be no different, […]
Read moreWelcome back to school after a six-week break from routine! I am sipping my yerba mate with pineapple while enjoying some fond memories from Devon. We had a great time, bodyboarding, trampolining, climbing rocks, plus we found a gluten-free cafe specialising in cake and doughnuts. It has been quite a roller coaster, and that is […]
Read moreAs you read this, I should be in the warm (and windy) embrace of the north coast of Devon, Woolacombe specifically. So I have a few announcements to make…… In October we will be launching three new products, two magnesium and a one a day multivitamin & mineral. There are also another three in the […]
Read moreLast week we went further into blood chemistry analysis, and this week, we are talking sugar. Just a few days ago, I was tucking into gluten and dairy-free salted caramel cake, celebrating my 44th birthday. It was just heavenly. It is mainly cashews, coconut and chocolate, which are all plants, so it is pretty much […]
Read moreLast week we started talking about functional blood analysis and the need to always get the patient to request GP notes on your behalf. Yes, this can be useful for nutrition and improving results from care, but it can also be life saving (and save you a costly insurance claim and a whole lot of guilt). […]
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