All posts by acadadmin

Are you on the artistic spectrum?

My wife has a joke about our relationship that she whips out at parties and it goes something like this: “In this relationship, I’m the artistic director, and he is the autistic director….” Cue laughter from people, a smile from me (just). (She is an interior designer, so I frequently come home and find things have […]

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The evolutionary mis-match: Vitamin D

Firstly thank you to the Lions of Chiropractic, on Monday night I presented a short talk on vitamin B12: An epidemic of mis-diagnosis and missed diagnosis. For me learning functional medicine and nutrition from a Chiropractic point of view, is like taking the red pill in the film The matrix. Once you see the truth about […]

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Become the Sherlock Holmes of health

Back in 2001 when I was a fresh-faced graduate and naive beyond belief, I was all about the magic happening with my hands. If I could just get better an adjusting and doing SOT techniques, then lepers would be cured and people would rise out of their wheelchairs. The history taking was really an irritation […]

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COVID-19 Vitamin D update

I have prepared a 16-minute video this week with some exciting COVID-19 and vitamin D news, with a short resume on vitamin D basics. Click the video, turns out vitamin D is even more awesome than we thought. ACTION TO TAKE – Use the patient education videos on my personal website to educate your patients […]

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Tears, tantrum and turning 10

Tantrums, tears, screaming, foul language and low-level violence. These are just a few of things that occurred at my daughters birthday party to celebrate her 10 years on planet earth. But to be fair I’d slept badly, then got a bit hypoglycaemic and then when I didn’t win at crazy golf, I just lost my […]

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The best of the best

As you read this I am drawing to the end of a week off from clinic, time with the family and preparing to turn 43 on the August 24th. We always hire a beach hut at this time of year so we can watch the Bournemouth air show swimming in the sea (not this year sadly). […]

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Food, lies and denial

In 1997, members of a religious cult called Member of Heaven’s gate, prepared to be taken up into spaceship flown by alien life forms. They believed as the Hale-Bopp comet passed by Earth, a spaceship would be travelling in its wake, ready to take true believers aboard. Several members of the group bought an expensive, high-powered telescope […]

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Did you see the news on chronic pain medications?

As a neuromechanical practitioner the chances are you see quite a lot of people who are in chronic pain and so the chances are you might have heard about the recent NICE guidance on chronic pain. Nice NICE summary here ;o)….. I found the guidance and the commentary around it fascinating. Fascinating because so much […]

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After we re-opened clinic, some of the older patients I have cared for over many years were slower to return and some of the changes over the 3-4 months since I saw them last were pretty upsetting. A combination of muscle wasting/sarcopenia, rounded posture, shuffling gaits, unsteadiness, pale skin, depression….lockdown has not been good for […]

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Did you see the recent news on Vitamin D?

Did you see the news? A few weeks ago we talked about evidence based nonsense and why the drive for RCT’s to “prove” everything has left us in a place David Sackett, the “founder” of EBM, did not anticipate or like. The reality of RCT’s is that they are designed to change one thing, to “prove” the […]

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